Welcome to Aurora Borealis Cooking!

I'm the greatest young chef to hit the market since Julia Child!
So I will help you to achieve success in making an amazing dish (ravioli!) and not die in the process!

So, yes, we will be learning how to make ravioli! Ravioli is extremely easy to make and displays the directions literally ON THE BAG, but I digress. You came here to see how ravioli is made, and you're gonna learn how the pros do it!


1. Uncooked ravioli (buy it from like Trader Joe's or something)
2. A pot to put said ravioli into
3. Dihydrogen monoxide
4. A wooden spoon or any relatively
large stirring tool
5. A bowl to eat your ravioli with (well no frickin durr)

How to Actually Make the Ravioli:

Step 1: Put the dihydrogen monoxide into the pot
Step 3: Open ravioli bag, pour it in pot
Step 4: Heat up the ravioli for at least 15 minutes, or until black. If the latter option occurs, you definitely did something wrong.
Step 5: While the ravioli is being heated, stir it with that large stirring tool from earlier.
Step 6: Repeat steps 1-4 until ravioli looks sort of edible.
Step 7: Drain pot using a colander
Step 8: Serve, using that bowl from the "Ingredients" section.
Step 9: Eat

Click this link to receive the recipe!

Aurora Borealis Cooking doesn't accept any lawsuits over such a matter as this, so if you die, that's on you.
Side effects may include: dry mouth, blurry vision, itchiness, insomnia, constipation, dermatitis, temporary confusion, temporary euphoria, and temporary increase in anxiety. Also, if you are allergic to the large stirring object, don't try this. This includes those who are allergic to the dihydrogen monoxide.